Thursday, August 23, 2012

Paranorman and Ghost Movies,0,7450287.story

"Paranorman" and other recent movies like "The Awakening" and "The Apparition" are blowing up the theatres now. Apparently ghost related movies are being in right now in August. Everyone is getting thrilled to the fact that ghost movies are coming out in August, 2 months before October. But not all these people really truly realized the meaning/s of these movies. "Paranorman" isn't all about a boy who could see ghost and zombies and talk to them. It's also about a boy who doesn't fit in because he's different. People just look at it in the perspective that it's a ghost movie because people like the thrill of getting scared. They enjoy the chills, the suspense, the heart racing moments.
This caught my eye because I love Paranorman.I went to see the movies and I thought it was really funny but at the same time it made me sad because I got the concept that he didn't fit in at school and that his parents were always so mean to him. I could somewhat relate to it, I guess that's why I chose to write about this.
This article impacts me as a student because I want to know
what's going on in the theatres because I might want to go out and watch a scary movie one of these days. This impacts me as a future filmmaker because I want to know what attracts my audience, if I want to make a horror film I need to know what they want to see, what will keep them coming. 
Questions I have are does releasing horror movies in August attract the audience more than releasing them in October? Why don't they just wait until October? It might sell more that way. Does it even matter when they release it, does that even affect the sales? People probably don't even think outside the box and just want to watch the movie anyways.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fox Internship Lawsuit

20th Century Fox is being sued by interns due to no payment at all. Apparently, interns from the film "The Black Swan" were not paid while working and cooperating for the film. They were completely overworked and weren't getting paid at all. 20th Century Fox tried using an excuse saying that it was the director of "The Black Swan", Darren Aronofsky's fault and that the interns didn't even work for Fox Searchlight. Later, Charlie Rose and the production company got sued by Lucy Bickerton for unpaid labor from interns. Guilty or not guilty. You tell me.
This article is important because they're many young people trying to find a career in the film industry but they aren't aware of the unfairness some big name company's can bring. This article caught my eye because I want to have a career in film and I would like to be aware of these kinds of situations for the future. I wouldn't want to apply for an intern in a place where I know, would pay me so low and work me so high. These kinds of articles will prepare me for the future. How can a really successful company not have enough money to pay simple interns? Maybe they are just greedy? I don't know, no one will understand the real reason but just the company itself.