Sunday, April 21, 2013


This week our film group filmed two scenes for our film Sticky Webb. This was very stressful and confusing. We all have to be there on set while filming. It really bothers me and bums me out that I'm the editor and my job is on the computer and I'm one of the few that actually go with the film crew to film. Others have more important roles in that process and they don't even go and it really bothers me. If I could make time then other should be able to as well. It also stresses me out that the actors don't memorize their lines and don't take it as serious as we do. I understand that it's not their grade but when agreeing to become a part of the team you need to have the same commitments as us. This week has been stressful, I hope after we film the principal scene everything will get better though.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Post Production

        Writing treatments are what helps get the film going but they're not very easy. You have amazing ideas and you write them all down and then you have writers block. You finish your story but it doesn't quite make sense but you can't seem to fix it. That's the problem I always have when writing a treatment. It's difficult to come up with things after you have barley came up with a lot for your treatment.

        I don't like presenting in front of a class so the experience of selling our story to the front of the class was a nightmare. I stayed up thinking about it, I even cried in the shower because of it. That's the one thing I didn't like that we did.

      Treatments are very hard to write, but they're what gets your story going.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Oscars Best Actor

  Bradley Cooper for Silver Linings Playbook Hugh Jackman for Les Misérables, Denzel Washington for Flight, Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln, and Joaquin Phoenix for The Master. All nominees for this years Best Actor. Who should take home the award is controversial but that's what makes it exciting. Everyone has different views on who deserves the award but this isn't about everyone else's opinion. This is about mine.

         I've seen Lincoln, I've seen Les Mis
érables, I've seen Silver Linings Playbook. And out of all those nominees I believe Bradley Cooper should win Best Actor. Why Bradley Cooper? Why, because I love Bradley Cooper. I believe he did a great job acting. I believe he played the 'I'm crazy, no I'm not crazy, I'm fine' roll. He even added humor to the situation. He was so good acting so clueless and open about everything. I loved the scene where he's reading a book Nikki teaches her students. He finishes the book then screams "WHAT THE FUCK" and throws it out the window in the middle of the night. It was scenes/acting like that, that makes me want Bradley Cooper to win. He was funny yet you still felt sympathy in him because he is so obsessed with his wife.

       How can you not love Bradley Cooper. He's so great and beautiful. His performance was great and to top it off he's beautiful and to top that off he should win Best Actor.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Best Supporting Actor

                Tommy Lee Jones for LincolnRobert De Niro for Silver Linings Playbook, Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained, Alan Arkin for Argo, and Philip Seymour Hoffman for The Master. These are the nominees for Oscar's 2013 Best Supporting Actor. Such an honorable and memorable award that only goes out to one of these five actors. The question is, who truly deserves it?
                 Many believe Alan Arkin should win. Many others believe Robert De Niro should win or maybe Christoph Waltz or Philip Seymour Hoffman should win. I believe Tommy Lee Jones should win. I believe he should win because in Lincoln he did an incredible job. He was in my eyes one of the main source why this movie worked so well. He played 
Thaddeus Stevens. He spoke his mind and was not afraid to do so no matter how many remarks and screams he got from other people. He knew what was right and he stood up for it and it was great. It was great because I feel that without him others wouldn't have been able to do that. I feel as if, if they would have chosen another actor to do this part, they wouldn't have been nearly as close to capture our emotions like how Tommy Lee Jones did. He knew exactly what to say in the courtroom and when his words payed off when the Thirteenth Amendment passed, it was such a great feeling. He build the emotions up and made the passing of the amendment admirable.

                  I believe Tommy Lee Jones should with Best Supporting Actor, and if he doesn't I'm sure he will be nominated again in the future years and he will win because he is a great actor.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Finding Nemo in 3D,0,6562897.story

          So as we all know it, Finding Nemo is now heading on the big screen again after several years.But not exactly as before this time in eye popping 3D. Yeah big whoop. Everyone is making remakes of popular movies in 3D just to make business. Basically everyone is doing it for the benefit of the companies. All they want is money, that's why they make every single movie now 3D. Some movies don't even look good in 3D. They think Finding Nemo in 3D will be No.1 in box office when it first releases, just like how The Lion King in 3D did. I personally wouldn't pay to watch a movie I could watch at home for not the price of maybe 20 bucks. I don't know but that's just me.
                  This article caught my eye because it's about Finding Nemo and as a kid I've always loved Finding Nemo. It was sad and entertaining to me now as how it was back then. This impacts me as a student because maybe I would go watch it if I had money and could afford to waste 20 bucks on a money that I could see at home regularly so it informs me and reminds me that all they want is my money. This impacts me as a filmmaker because I can maybe use this technique in the future since there still is alot of people who will waste their money to go watch this or simply they just have money to spare.

                Questions that I have are, is every movie in the future going to be based on 3D now? Are remakes how you guys are going to rely on to get our money?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bradley Cooper's Under The Influence Life?,0,2773600.story

       Bradley Cooper plays under the influences roles in movies, a great example "The Hangover." He's wasted and can't remember anything at all, drugs, alcohol, and bachelor parties. But all that is just a script to a movie. In reality he has been sober for 8 years and is loving every minute of it. You would think since he's young and handsome that he wouldn't have quit drugs and alcohol at the young age of 21. The age where you are actually legal to drink and get wasted whenever you want without getting in trouble with the law, about age of course, your actions are another story. But Cooper seemed to have one too many drugs and alcohol before. He would use it to escape his insecurities. He thought he was never good enough, he would never amount to much. He thought he was never going to live to his potential. Boy was he wrong.
      Bradley Cooper is such a success. He didn't see it coming but it's here and it's now. He came out in both Hangover movies and they were a huge success both, he was voted sexiest man alive, and he's made it so big, he's going to Toronto International Film Festival. Insecurities, goodbye. He's basically perfect.
     What caught my eye about this article is basically the concept that it's about Bradley Cooper. He's so beautiful how this not catch someone's eye. This article impacts me as a student because many students are insecure and get involve with drugs and alcohol cause they think it's over I'm never going to amount to anything. Well this is a good example that you are wrong. You can make it great change for yourself in your life if you want, live a better life and don't give up. This affects me as a future filmmaker because I could use this as an example to give someone who's barley entering the business and seems unsure about themselves a shot. You may never know you can become very close friend's with them since you gave them a shot when no one else did. Not only that but what if they blow up and make it big. It will most defiantly benefit you. This affects me as a consumer because it makes me believe insecurities mean nothing. They only make you feel down about yourself, but you need to battle them and strive for greatness.
     Some questions I have are does Bradley Cooper ever get the sudden urge to stop his sobriety? If so how does he fight it? Is he still insecure about himself after being voted sexiest man alive? I hope not I think he's beautiful.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Paranorman and Ghost Movies,0,7450287.story

"Paranorman" and other recent movies like "The Awakening" and "The Apparition" are blowing up the theatres now. Apparently ghost related movies are being in right now in August. Everyone is getting thrilled to the fact that ghost movies are coming out in August, 2 months before October. But not all these people really truly realized the meaning/s of these movies. "Paranorman" isn't all about a boy who could see ghost and zombies and talk to them. It's also about a boy who doesn't fit in because he's different. People just look at it in the perspective that it's a ghost movie because people like the thrill of getting scared. They enjoy the chills, the suspense, the heart racing moments.
This caught my eye because I love Paranorman.I went to see the movies and I thought it was really funny but at the same time it made me sad because I got the concept that he didn't fit in at school and that his parents were always so mean to him. I could somewhat relate to it, I guess that's why I chose to write about this.
This article impacts me as a student because I want to know
what's going on in the theatres because I might want to go out and watch a scary movie one of these days. This impacts me as a future filmmaker because I want to know what attracts my audience, if I want to make a horror film I need to know what they want to see, what will keep them coming. 
Questions I have are does releasing horror movies in August attract the audience more than releasing them in October? Why don't they just wait until October? It might sell more that way. Does it even matter when they release it, does that even affect the sales? People probably don't even think outside the box and just want to watch the movie anyways.